Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Dry ice

Brrrrrrr! It's cold. Today at Enrich I did three dry ice experiments. In the first one we had to put the dry ice in a long tube with cold water and food colouring. What happens is bubbles and the cold water comes out [whatever colour you choose]. After we did the other two we did one ourselves. What we did was fill the cup three quarters high, put food colouring in and put dry ice in. If you want to make it bubble more put more cold water in.

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Disney Danger

Today we did drama. The types of drama we did were spatial and psychological. We also did an activity called There is Only One Liar. We also had a monologue we had to memorise. Mine was called Disney Danger and is all about  the dangers of taking your parents to Disneyland.