Sunday, 29 June 2014

Busy Workshops

Today in Passion projects I made a dice and I was going to make a hiding hole but I didn't have enough time to so I didn't.

Today I also had Discovery and I attended all three workshops so that I could get above. The first workshop I did was Aurasma and we had a little refresher on how to do it.  The second workshop I did was Researching skills to help us find information easier, and the final workshop I did was Wordle which is a program that  makes writing words fun.  What you do isyou type in some words and it comes up and the more times you write the same word the bigger it is.

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Dinner Set

The most challenging thing that I did today was the pop quiz. We had to answer ten questions to do with Enrich@ILT. They were pretty challenging because some were like who is the person from ILT who comes and visits us? What I want to start next week is to start making my plates I want at least one plate done by next week, maybe even two or three if I'm lucky. 

Today in my passion project, Marie came in and I planned how my plates, cups and bowls are going to look and how tall and wide they are going to be.

Sunday, 8 June 2014


Today at Enrich I had a chess war against Max. I won! Max forfeited  the two games that we played. So I won the chess games.

I also anti-bullying with Paul, where we watched a Britain's Got Talent when two boys sang an anti-bullying song but tweaked it a little bit. The judges hit a golden buzzer which sent them straight to a tv version performance.